Guitar girl

Guitar girl

March 12, 2023
'People judge me,' said the guitar girl.

'Do they?' asked the dishevelled little owl.
'They say I dress wrong,' said the guitar girl.
'Oh!' said the dishevelled little owl.
'They say I talk when they don't expect it,' said the guitar girl.
'Expectations can be tricky,' said the dishevelled little owl.


'People say I say the wrong thing,' said the guitar girl.
'Oh dear!' said the dishevelled little owl.
'They tell me I should be good,' said the guitar girl.
'You are good,' said the dishevelled little owl.
'No, I mean they say I should play nice,' said the guitar girl.
'You do play nice,' said the dishevelled little owl.


'I don't want to play nice,' said the guitar girl.
'But you do,' said the dishevelled little owl.
'You play loud, but you play nice.'

'Really?' asked the guitar girl.
'Loud can be very nice,' said the dishevelled little owl.
'Loud is my favourite,' said the guitar girl.